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Ginger Garlic Sauce


Vegan, no food additives

Grate the flavorful garlic and ginger raw,

A blend of traditionally brewed soy sauce made in wooden barrels and domestic pure rice sake.

It is finished in a delicious sauce full of nutrition without adding heat.


A versatile sauce that will make any dish delicious and delicious with this one.

For those who want to have a delicious and healthy meal even when they are busy,

It is a powerful time-saving item.

Carefully selected high-quality materials



Uses fragrant ginger from Kochi Prefecture. Cultivated without pesticides or fertilizers. After harvesting, it is buried in the soil and carefully aged and preserved to bring out the deliciousness.


Uses organic Okayama products grown without the use of pesticides during the cultivation period. Farmers who have been growing garlic for 20 years are passionate about growing it. If the production volume is insufficient due to poor harvests, etc., we use products of the same quality from Shimane Prefecture.

For immunity up!

Garlic and ginger have strong bactericidal and immune cell activating effects, and it is said that eating them protects the body from bacteria and viruses, making it less susceptible to infections such as colds.

​soy sauce​​

Two types of soy sauce are blended for the ultimate taste. Both are genuinely brewed soy sauces brewed in traditional wooden barrels in Shodoshima, which is famous as the home of soy sauce, and are made from safe and reliable domestic rice, domestic wheat, and sun-dried sea salt. The rich taste and sharpness that can only be made by hand are the decisive factors for the deliciousness of the ginger garlic sauce.


Complete sun-dried sea salt

Uses the salt of "Tejakula", which is called the sacred place of salt in Bali, Indonesia. Completely sun-dried sea salt handcrafted by craftsmen using a traditional method that has been preserved for over 500 years. Drying with only sunlight without burning clean sea water. Mineral-rich raw salt that is just like the blessings of the sea. We implement fair trade to protect the tradition of making salt.


Both mirin and sake are made from 100% domestic rice. Made in Japan with no additives and authentic brewing

Various delicious ways to eat

Recipe videos

旬野菜でお手軽!ジンジャーガーリックパスタ〖ヴィーガン〗GINGER GARLIC PASTA with SEASONAL VEGETABLES〖Vegan〗

旬野菜でお手軽!ジンジャーガーリックパスタ〖ヴィーガン〗GINGER GARLIC PASTA with SEASONAL VEGETABLES〖Vegan〗

【マンマナチュラルズのオリジナル商品を使った、簡単、美味しい、ヘルシーなレシピ】 今回のレシピは、「ジンジャーガーリックソース」を使った「旬の野菜のパスタ」。 どんな野菜でも炒めてパスタと絡めるだけで、スタミナたっぷり和風パスタの出来上がり! 食欲をそそるニンニクと生姜の風味が効いているから、 ベジだけでも大満足な一品になるのが魅力です。 もちろん、お肉やお魚、特にエビやイカとの相性も抜群。 ぜひいろいろお試しくださいね。 ✧この動画で紹介した商品のご購入はこちらから✧ [ジンジャーガーリックソース:Ginger Garlic Sauce] 220g [リバランスティー:Rebalance Tea] 50g ✧✧✧ チャンネル登録お願いします!✧✧✧ マンマナチュラルズは「人も地球も、幸せに」をモットーに、無添加、オーガニック、フェアトレード商品を提供し、売上の1%を環境保護NGOや人権擁護NGOなどに寄付しています。 これからも、ハッピーな暮らしに役立つコンテンツをどんどん増やしていく予定です。どうぞお楽しみに⭐️ [Newsletter] 暮らしや食にまつわるコラムやセール情報、クーポンなどを毎月1−2回送信しています。 ↓登録はこちらから↓ウェルカムギフトとして公式Webshopで使える5%オフクーポン進呈しています。 [公式Home Page] [公式Webshop] [Instagram] [Facebook]
ジンジャーガーリックソースで野菜炒め 〖ヴィーガン〗VEGETABLES STIR FRY with GINGER GARLIC SAUCE〖Vegan〗

ジンジャーガーリックソースで野菜炒め 〖ヴィーガン〗VEGETABLES STIR FRY with GINGER GARLIC SAUCE〖Vegan〗

【マンマナチュラルズのオリジナル商品を使った、簡単、美味しい、ヘルシーなレシピ】 今回のレシピは、「ジンジャーガーリックソース」を使って3分でできる、食欲&スタミナモリモリの野菜炒め。 動画では、菜の花、しいたけ、厚揚げを使いましたが、どんな野菜でもお肉でも、美味しくできます。 <オススメアレンジ> ・あるもの野菜やお肉:キャベツ、にんじん、もやし、豚肉、鶏肉、キノコ類など、色々な組み合わせ ・スパイスをプラス:豆板醤、コチジャン、七味、シラチャーソース、カレースパイスなど、辛みや香り ・お好みのオイルで:ごま油、オリーブオイル、ココナッツオイル、菜種油、バターなど、オイルでアレンジ マンマの新たな自信作 「リバランスティー 」を淹れて、フレッシュなハーブの香りで後味もさっぱり。 明日葉、ツボクサ、モリンガとミントの薬効でヘルシーなバランスに整えます。 ✧この動画で紹介した商品のご購入はこちらから✧ [ジンジャーガーリックソース:Ginger Garlic Sauce] 220g [リバランスティー:Rebalance Trea ] 50g ✧✧✧ チャンネル登録して頂ければ嬉しいです!✧✧✧ マンマナチュラルズは「人も地球も、幸せに」をモットーに、無添加、オーガニック、フェアトレード商品を提供し、売上の1%を環境保護NGOや人権擁護NGOなどに寄付しています。 忙しい毎日の中でも、健康的な食事をとって幸せな気分になることをお手伝いしたい、そんな思いで商品も動画も作っています。 [Newsletter] 暮らしや食にまつわるコラムやセール情報、クーポンなどを毎月1−2回送信しています。 ↓登録はこちらから↓ウェルカムギフトとして公式Webshopで使える5%オフクーポン進呈しています。 [公式Home Page] [公式Webshop] [Instagram] [Facebook]

Ginger Garlic Sauce birth story


The ginger garlic sauce is based on a secret sauce that Arai, the representative of Mamma Naturals, learned from the chef at a restaurant where he worked part-time when he was a student. This sauce, which goes well with any genre, including Japanese, Western, Chinese, and ethnic, has been a staple in Arai's kitchen for about 30 years since then. Vegan and vegetarian food, which tends to be monotonously seasoned, can be seasoned with ginger garlic sauce to give it a punch and a satisfying dish without meat, which is why it has been used for a long time. One.

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Product information

Product content

[Product name] Processed soy sauce

[Ingredients] Soy sauce (domestic, including soybeans and wheat),

Sake (Japan), Ginger (Kochi Prefecture), Garlic (Okayama Prefecture),

Hon mirin (domestic), salt (Indonesia)

[Expiration date] 1 year from production

[Preservation method] Avoid direct sunlight and store at room temperature

  *Precautions for use: Refrigerate after opening.

Shake well before use.

Nutritional information per 100g

[Energy] 90kcal

[Protein] 3.6g

[Fat] 0.1g

[Carbohydrate] 10.4g

[Salt equivalent] 8g
(Estimated value)

Precautions for use

・After opening, refrigerate and use as soon as possible.

Eco package

We use glass bottles with a high recycling rate and metal lids to reduce plastic consumption. The label aims to be chemical-free and does not use adhesive stickers. I wrapped the top of the product with unbleached kraft paper and tied it with twine. Recycling is easy as there is no need to remove the sticker from the bottle.


After eating the contents, we would appreciate it if you could use it as a storage container or recycle it as glass, metal, or used paper.

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