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Rebalance Tea


Caffeine-free, food additive-free

The health of Ashitaba, the beauty of Centella asiatica,

A blend of moringa nutrition and mint freshness

Original herbal tea from Mamma Naturals.


It will balance your tired mind and body.


A refreshing fragrance and a taste without the habit that are bathing in the forest,

Plus, it's caffeine-free, so it's perfect for babies and the elderly*

You can have it anytime of the day.


*Because it is blended with moringa,

Do not take if you are pregnant or may become pregnant

Carefully selected high-quality materials


​Tomorrow leaf

Ashitaba is produced in Izu. Because it grows in the sea breeze, it has a particularly strong fragrance, and is known as a first-class product in Japan.

Ashitaba also has strong medicinal properties and has been loved as a medicinal herb since ancient times. In particular, because it contains plenty of chalcone, a rare polyphenolic component, it is attracting attention as an anti-oxidant, anti-thrombotic, and diabetes prevention. It is also popular as a supplement material for health and beauty because it contains well-balanced vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

​ Centella asiatica

Centella asiatica is also known as a rejuvenating herb in oriental medicine. Antioxidant action cares for aging signs such as spots and wrinkles, and collagen production promotion action leads to firm and youthful skin. In South Korea, a beauty superpower, centella asiatica extract is also used in skin care products. We use safe centella asiatica from Timor-Leste and certified organic. ​

The cultivation, drying and processing of centella asiatica is mainly run by women in Timor-Leste. Until then, they had no money to spend freely, and it was difficult for them to prepare school supplies for their children.


​ Moringa

Known as the miracle tree or the tree of heaven, it is one of the most nutritious plants on earth. Rich in nutrients such as calcium, vitamins, polyphenols, and 19 kinds of amino acids such as GABA, it is even used to improve the nutrition of children in Africa where it originated.

We use moringa from Burkina Faso that is naturally grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

In addition to revitalizing the cultivation area, it also leads to cash income for women.


Uses mint grown without the use of any pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Mint has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, and is expected to be effective in relieving coughs and suppressing fevers.

Like Centella asiatica, it uses raw materials cultivated and processed by women in Timor-Leste. Through purchasing, we are looking at women's economic independence.

Delicious ways to brew

Recipe videos

旬野菜でお手軽!ジンジャーガーリックパスタ〖ヴィーガン〗GINGER GARLIC PASTA with SEASONAL VEGETABLES〖Vegan〗

旬野菜でお手軽!ジンジャーガーリックパスタ〖ヴィーガン〗GINGER GARLIC PASTA with SEASONAL VEGETABLES〖Vegan〗

【マンマナチュラルズのオリジナル商品を使った、簡単、美味しい、ヘルシーなレシピ】 今回のレシピは、「ジンジャーガーリックソース」を使った「旬の野菜のパスタ」。 どんな野菜でも炒めてパスタと絡めるだけで、スタミナたっぷり和風パスタの出来上がり! 食欲をそそるニンニクと生姜の風味が効いているから、 ベジだけでも大満足な一品になるのが魅力です。 もちろん、お肉やお魚、特にエビやイカとの相性も抜群。 ぜひいろいろお試しくださいね。 ✧この動画で紹介した商品のご購入はこちらから✧ [ジンジャーガーリックソース:Ginger Garlic Sauce] 220g [リバランスティー:Rebalance Tea] 50g ✧✧✧ チャンネル登録お願いします!✧✧✧ マンマナチュラルズは「人も地球も、幸せに」をモットーに、無添加、オーガニック、フェアトレード商品を提供し、売上の1%を環境保護NGOや人権擁護NGOなどに寄付しています。 これからも、ハッピーな暮らしに役立つコンテンツをどんどん増やしていく予定です。どうぞお楽しみに⭐️ [Newsletter] 暮らしや食にまつわるコラムやセール情報、クーポンなどを毎月1−2回送信しています。 ↓登録はこちらから↓ウェルカムギフトとして公式Webshopで使える5%オフクーポン進呈しています。 [公式Home Page] [公式Webshop] [Instagram] [Facebook]
ジンジャーガーリックソースで野菜炒め 〖ヴィーガン〗VEGETABLES STIR FRY with GINGER GARLIC SAUCE〖Vegan〗

ジンジャーガーリックソースで野菜炒め 〖ヴィーガン〗VEGETABLES STIR FRY with GINGER GARLIC SAUCE〖Vegan〗

【マンマナチュラルズのオリジナル商品を使った、簡単、美味しい、ヘルシーなレシピ】 今回のレシピは、「ジンジャーガーリックソース」を使って3分でできる、食欲&スタミナモリモリの野菜炒め。 動画では、菜の花、しいたけ、厚揚げを使いましたが、どんな野菜でもお肉でも、美味しくできます。 <オススメアレンジ> ・あるもの野菜やお肉:キャベツ、にんじん、もやし、豚肉、鶏肉、キノコ類など、色々な組み合わせ ・スパイスをプラス:豆板醤、コチジャン、七味、シラチャーソース、カレースパイスなど、辛みや香り ・お好みのオイルで:ごま油、オリーブオイル、ココナッツオイル、菜種油、バターなど、オイルでアレンジ マンマの新たな自信作 「リバランスティー 」を淹れて、フレッシュなハーブの香りで後味もさっぱり。 明日葉、ツボクサ、モリンガとミントの薬効でヘルシーなバランスに整えます。 ✧この動画で紹介した商品のご購入はこちらから✧ [ジンジャーガーリックソース:Ginger Garlic Sauce] 220g [リバランスティー:Rebalance Trea ] 50g ✧✧✧ チャンネル登録して頂ければ嬉しいです!✧✧✧ マンマナチュラルズは「人も地球も、幸せに」をモットーに、無添加、オーガニック、フェアトレード商品を提供し、売上の1%を環境保護NGOや人権擁護NGOなどに寄付しています。 忙しい毎日の中でも、健康的な食事をとって幸せな気分になることをお手伝いしたい、そんな思いで商品も動画も作っています。 [Newsletter] 暮らしや食にまつわるコラムやセール情報、クーポンなどを毎月1−2回送信しています。 ↓登録はこちらから↓ウェルカムギフトとして公式Webshopで使える5%オフクーポン進呈しています。 [公式Home Page] [公式Webshop] [Instagram] [Facebook]

Rebalance Tea birth story


Rebalanced tea started with the desire to help Ashitaba farmers, who are in danger of extinction due to the corona crisis and the flow of the times. In order to support producers with all the ingredients, we ordered centella asiatica and mint from East Timor, which is suffering from civil war and poverty, and moringa from Africa, where poverty and discrimination against women remain severe.

In addition, rebalance tea is not in tea bags, but in leaf type. You can drink deliciously without the taste of paper, and wasteful garbage is not generated.

Furthermore, it is caffeine-free so that you can drink it at relaxing time before going to bed. Since caffeine-free leaf-type herbal tea is very rare, we have received positive feedback from our customers.

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Product information

Product content

[Product name] Herbal tea

[Ingredients] Ashitaba (Tokyo), Organic Centella asiatica (East Timor), Moringa (Burkina Faso), Organic Mint (East Timor)

[capacity] 50g

[Expiration date] 1 year from processing

[Preservation method] Avoid direct sunlight and store at room temperature

Precautions for use

・After opening, store at room temperature and use as soon as possible.

・If you are pregnant or may become pregnant, please refrain from taking it.

Eco package

We use glass bottles with a high recycling rate and metal lids to reduce plastic consumption. Aiming to be chemical-free, the stickers that use adhesive are made as small as possible, and product information is written on unbleached kraft paper and tied with twine.


After eating the contents, we would appreciate it if you could use it as a storage container or recycle it as glass, metal, or used paper.

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